

BitNeeds幣需AI幣圈資訊: “豐滿企鵝與WME簽約,Bitblox推出Web3賭博遊戲等熱門新聞”



  1. NFT (Non-Fungible Token): a unique digital asset stored on a blockchain
  2. Solana: a blockchain platform designed for high-speed transactions and decentralized applications
  3. Generative art: computer-generated artwork created through algorithms and randomness
  4. Flow blockchain: a blockchain designed for gaming and digital collectibles, created by the developers of CryptoKitties
  5. Wire fraud: the use of electronic communication to fraudulently obtain money or assets
  6. Money laundering: the process of disguising the proceeds of illegal activity as legitimate funds
  7. Insider trading: the buying or selling of securities based on privileged, non-public information
  8. Blockchain: a decentralized ledger used to record transactions and store data in a secure and transparent manner
  9. Cryptocurrency: a digital asset designed to function as a medium of exchange, secured by cryptography
  10. Online content monetization: the practice of earning income from digital content, such as videos, music, or writing
  11. Talent agency: a company that represents actors, writers, directors, and other creative professionals in the entertainment industry.

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