火塊金融以約1000萬美元收購區塊鏈初創公司BlockFold,加速擴大金融機構客戶的產品範圍。文章來源: BitNeeds幣需AI幣圈資訊: 彭博社報道:Fireblocks斥資約1000萬美元收購區塊鏈初創公司BlockFold
Cryptocurrency Terms
1. Cryptocurrency
A form of digital or virtual currency that uses cryptography for security. It is decentralized and operates independently of a central bank.
2. Blockchain
A type of distributed ledger technology that maintains a continuously growing list of records called blocks, which are linked and secured using cryptography. It is the underlying technology behind cryptocurrencies.
3. Start-up
A newly established business venture, typically with innovative or disruptive ideas, seeking rapid growth and often financed by investors.
4. Crypto Company
A company involved in the development, trading, or use of cryptocurrencies and related technologies.
5. Venture Capital
Investment capital provided by individuals or funds to start-ups and small businesses with high growth potential.
6. Initial Coin Offering (ICO)
A fundraising method used by cryptocurrency start-ups, similar to crowdfunding, where tokens or coins are sold to investors in exchange for funding.
7. Custodial Services
Services provided by financial institutions to safely store and manage digital assets or private keys on behalf of clients.
8. Redemptions
The act of converting cryptocurrency into fiat currency or another form of payment.
9. Cryptography
The practice of secure communication through encryption techniques, ensuring only authorized individuals can access and understand the information.
10. Distributed Ledger
A database maintained and updated by multiple participants or nodes, where each participant has a copy of the entire ledger and must agree on any changes.

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