中文某巨型投資機構增加了766萬枚LINK的持倉量,價值5600萬美元,這是自9月19日以來的增購行動。文章來源: BitNeeds幣需AI幣圈資訊: LINK巨鯨跟進,加倉57.5萬枚LINK,總持倉766萬枚
Cryptocurrency Terminology
- LINK: LINK is the ticker symbol for the cryptocurrency called Chainlink. It is used to represent the digital asset in trading platforms.
- 持倉量: 持倉量 represents the amount of a particular cryptocurrency held by an individual or an entity.
- 萬枚: 萬枚 is a unit used in Chinese to represent ten thousand. In this context, it indicates the quantity of cryptocurrencies (LINK) held.
- Binance: Binance is a popular cryptocurrency exchange where users can buy, sell, and trade various cryptocurrencies.
- 美元: 美元 refers to the United States dollar, the primary currency used for pricing and trading cryptocurrencies on global exchanges.

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