Binance首席商務官YiboLing辭職,引起關注文章來源: BitNeeds幣需AI幣圈資訊: 彭博社報導:Binance首席商務官離職,新法律顧問可能是Eleanor Hughes。
Cryptocurrency Terminology
- Binance: A cryptocurrency exchange platform known for its advanced trading features and wide range of supported cryptocurrencies.
- Chief Business Officer: A high-level executive responsible for overseeing the business operations and strategies of a company.
- Bloomberg: A global financial news and data provider.
- Chief Legal Officer: A senior executive who manages and oversees legal affairs within an organization.
- General Counsel: The chief lawyer or legal officer in a company, responsible for providing legal advice and guidance.
- Mid-year performance evaluation: An assessment of an employee’s performance conducted midway through the year to determine their achievements and areas for improvement.
- Laid off: When an employee is permanently terminated from their job due to reasons such as downsizing or restructuring.
- Senior Legal Advisor: An experienced legal professional who provides expert advice and guidance on legal matters.
- Global Regulatory Director: A role responsible for overseeing compliance and regulatory matters on a global scale.
- Asia Pacific Middle East and North Africa (APMENA): A region consisting of countries in Asia, the Pacific, the Middle East, and North Africa, often referred to together due to shared economic and geopolitical ties.

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