阿拉貢禁止至少6名DAO成員參與資金庫討論,聲稱遭到“協調”的攻擊。 (50個字)


BitNeeds幣需AI幣圈資訊: 阿拉貢禁止至少6名DAO成員參與資金庫討論,聲稱遭到“協調”的攻擊。 (50個字)



  1. Decentralized governance: A system of decision-making where power is distributed across a network of peers rather than centralized in a single authority.
  2. Discord server: A messaging and communication platform often used by cryptocurrency communities.
  3. Conspiracy theories: Ideas that circulate among a group of people and suggest that events or situations are the result of secret, often malevolent, actions by a group of individuals or organizations.
  4. Censorship-resistant cryptocurrency: A type of cryptocurrency that is designed to be resistant to censorship or control by any centralized authority.
  5. Treasury: A store of funds or money that is controlled by an organization or government.
  6. DAO: Decentralized Autonomous Organization, a type of organization where decision-making is distributed among a network of stakeholders and automated through smart contracts.
  7. Moderators: Individuals responsible for managing and enforcing the rules of a community or platform.
  8. Dissenters: Individuals who disagree with a particular decision or direction of a community or organization.
  9. Power brokers: Individuals or groups with significant influence or control over decision-making within an organization or community.
  10. Head of Communications: An individual responsible for overseeing and managing communication efforts within an organization or community.

阿拉貢禁止至少6名DAO成員參與資金庫討論,聲稱遭到“協調”的攻擊。 (50個字)

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