

BitNeeds幣需AI幣圈資訊: 卡尔达诺(Cardano)的扩容协议Hydra今天已在主网上线



Cardano: A blockchain platform and cryptocurrency that aims to provide a more sustainable and efficient blockchain ecosystem.

Hydra scaling protocol: A technology developed by Cardano that allows for faster and more scalable processing of transactions, enabling up to 1 million transactions per second.

Blockchain: A decentralized and distributed digital ledger that records transactions in a secure and transparent manner, without the need for intermediaries.

Scalability: The ability of a blockchain network to handle an increasing number of transactions without compromising its security and efficiency.

Security: The protection of a blockchain network from unauthorized access, attacks, and data breaches, ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of transactions.

Enterprise-level applications: Applications and systems that are designed for use by large organizations and businesses.

Audited and tested: Refers to the process of verifying and validating the performance, security, and functionality of a technology using various testing and auditing methods.

Real world: Refers to the actual, practical applications and uses of a technology outside of experimental or theoretical contexts.

Payments: The transfer of value or funds between individuals or entities using a digital currency or payment system.

Auctions: A method for selling goods or services to the highest bidder through a competitive bidding process.

Voting: The process of electing representatives or making decisions through a democratic and transparent voting system.


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