中文文章摘要:6月做空ETH巨鯨平倉,虧損188萬美元文章來源: BitNeeds幣需AI幣圈資訊: 6月巨鯨做空ETH已平倉,損失188萬美元
Cryptocurrency Terminology
- ETH: Ether, the native cryptocurrency of the Ethereum blockchain.
- 巨鯨: Whale, a term used to describe individuals or entities that hold large amounts of cryptocurrency and have the ability to influence market prices.
- 做空: Shorting, a trading strategy where an investor borrows a cryptocurrency, sells it at the current market price, and aims to buy it back at a lower price to make a profit.
- 平倉: Closing a position, the act of selling or buying back the borrowed cryptocurrency to end a short or long position.
- 虧損: Losses, the negative financial outcome of a trade or investment.
- 加倉: Adding to a position, increasing the amount of cryptocurrency held in a trade or investment.
- 價格上漲: Price increase, a situation where the value of a cryptocurrency rises.
- 止損: Stop-loss, an order placed to automatically close a position if the price of a cryptocurrency reaches a specified level to limit potential losses.
- 空頭頭寸: Short position, a trading position where the investor sells a borrowed cryptocurrency with the intention of buying it back at a lower price in the future.
- 監測: Monitoring, the act of observing and tracking activities or data related to cryptocurrencies.

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