Zcash最新版本5.5.0包括漏洞修補程式、比例費率計畫和框架,並啟用未來特性。更新還提供資金可用性功能,讓使用者在錢包完全同步前花費錢。Zcash使用零知識證明(ZKPs)確保交易的隱私,專注於提供使用者控制和隱私。即將推出的資金可用性功能將不影響經常傳送單一收件人交易的移動錢包使用者。文章來源: BitNeeds幣需AI幣圈資訊: Zcash推出V5.5.0版本,引入比例費用機制。
- Zcash: A privacy-focused cryptocurrency that uses zero-knowledge proofs to keep transactions private.
- Version 5.5.0: The latest release of Zcash which includes bug fixes, a proportional fee scheme, and fund availability functionality.
- Proportional fee scheme: A system where transaction fees are proportional to the amount being transacted.
- Zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs): A cryptographic protocol where one party can prove to another that a statement is true without revealing any additional information about it.
- Fund availability functionality: A feature that allows users to spend money before their wallets are completely synced.
- Mobile wallet: A software application that allows users to manage and store their cryptocurrency on their mobile device.
- Single-recipient transactions: Transactions where the sender sends cryptocurrency to only one recipient at a time.
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