以太坊市場陷入熊市,市場疲弱且交易擁擠,ETH價格下跌1.01%。網路擁堵和燃氣費用的上升導致以太坊網路費用飆升,受到熱門“Doge狗狗幣”的熱捧和預期待的“上海區塊鏈升級”計劃也使交通擁堵。ADX評級表明市場將更加熊市,並可能導致未來價格繼續下跌。投資者建議等待更好的進入時機。文章來源: BitNeeds幣需AI幣圈資訊: “Meme幣起風波,Ethereum (ETH)費用激增至87 Gwei”
- Ethereum: A blockchain-based platform that allows developers to build decentralized applications (dapps) and smart contracts.
- Network fees: Cost associated with processing transactions on a blockchain network.
- Memecoin: A type of cryptocurrency that is created based on an internet meme or popular culture trend.
- Congestion: When there are too many transactions on a blockchain network, causing delays and higher fees.
- Gas costs: A fee paid to miners to process transactions on the Ethereum network.
- Bears: A term used to describe investors who believe that the price of a cryptocurrency will go down.
- ADX rating: A technical analysis indicator that measures the strength of a trend. A high ADX rating suggests a strong trend (either bullish or bearish).
- Shanghai blockchain upgrade: A major update to the Ethereum network that is expected to increase its scalability and efficiency.
- Intraday low: The lowest price that a cryptocurrency reaches during a single trading day.
- RSI: A technical analysis indicator that measures the strength of a trend and compares the magnitude of recent gains to recent losses. It is a way to identify overbought and oversold conditions.
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